Saturday, July 11, 2009

WhiteClouds Two Seater Out House

WhiteClouds Two Seater Out House : "A Man Called Horse Manure , " The case of the Two Ply Feel - The Touch Of White Cloud.....

A voice came from a Cloud, and said this is my son,whom I am very pleased.....

The origin of White Clouds Two Seater Out House, is still a mystery it seem to come from out of no where yet for some strange reason of divine intervention it managed to become an American Household Name, especially if you ever shopped at Wall Mart....

Even though the name's WhiteCloud, and Out House have been around since the dawn of man perhaps even with the creation of the first man in the Garden of Eden when the Great Spirit breathed it's breath into a simple lump of clay, but are we an intelligent society really sure it was just a lump of clay or was it some other genetic biological material left behind from some anscestral being as a remembrance of who was here first the Chicken or the Egg, the Great Spirit or the Clay as just some piece of Dirt Clod in a world full it holding it together as others use it for their little self endearing charms of social engagement's and oratory skills in making other contribute to their leadership qualities of trust as adminstrator's of some elses estate or the sale of to promote their own state of the union addresses trying to convince others that their lump of Clay does not stink as much as the little one they stole their so called Patriotic Spirit from in the first place. Talk about making a Mountain out of a Mole Hill......

Well White Clouds Two Seater Out House, is a place where to can sit down side by side and share something that no others can share on a one to one basis, and that is the writing on the wall.

In most cases the publics domain have any of you reading this blog ever sat down and looked up only to find some Graffiti of some strange hirogliphic design of some trouble individual suffering from dyslexia or not ever learning to read or write the English language other than just making his Mark or a few common slangs like " Function's Under Carnal Knowlegde," or some over used referance to someone who has come to start a new life from some far away state like Niggeria in the continent of Africa, or some other starnge and un - familiar anscestrial genome genetic heritage of a foreign culture to over whelm your native cultural heritage like some controlled experiment by foreign scientist's as spies or preinvasion force for which you were unaware that the smile on their face was not of friendship but that of a used car salesman selling you a lemon or a spoiled hooker out to catch some fish in her Drag net as she or he walks down the Boulevard like a brick house just out of the brick house......

Well in this out house you will find shared intellectual properties of the Prophet's written on the bathroom walls and tennement halls which will give humor and to the best of this editorial department the best Spelling and Grammer for the English language can share on a roll of two ply when you have to write home or have an idea to share, or just thought of something funny when you were thinking of our governement and world leader's as they execute their dooty's in their oval offices.

It will be this administrations policy to not censor or condem any contribution to this blog other than if gang related to go to your own olds school of hard knocks to share with adoring fans as this blog can only represent one correspondent at a time as here in my house there is only two seats in which to share the little bit of time we have together at a time one at a time and not by some mob of angry patrons wanting to crash in on our out house humor do to some Montezuma's Revenge whether it be the food or the drinks, or any other commincable deseases they have aquired sharing their souls with so many other troubled individuals in the aftermath of a concert like WoodStock,back yard kegger party, or garage bands orgy Toga party where they don't even remember who they Toga-ed or care just as long as they cut into this life support system of basic body functions and leave it as much as a mess as they left their parent's and predasessors before them, and they fart and yell at US " Aqua ! Aqua !," while they smile just because they got away with a big stink over who's BO is more BS - BO than ours !

The Republic for which it Stands ! Remember the old Republic of the United States where Mother's Day was the first when the Eagle spread it's wings over the land and delivered a check by the US mail, and the Bear who could go where ever he wanted, the rider's of the Pony Express and their Horses who carried them, not forgetting the administration of the Raven or Crow pretending their the Golden Eagle wings as benefactors of the estates of all those who died for the flag and this one nation under God, in spending Christ inheritence for paying for it all in an ever increasing national debt never stopping to think what debt who owes who in the first place.....

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